Does your current gym management software meet these 7 non-negotiables? If not– you may be sitting in the dark. Read on to find out.
The world as we know it– is racing by (especially in the fitness industry).
This means streamlining your operations and providing top-notch service for your members is essential to stay ahead of the curve.
Be honest here…
When last did you stop to consider whether your gym management software plays a significant role in the growth of your business?
Because here’s the thing,
If you’re still using gym management software that’s not entirely up to scratch– this could have severe consequences for the growth of your fitness facility.
Most of all,
Lost opportunities to sign new members.
This article will explore the 7 non-negotiables your gym management software must have to ensure you get more bang for your buck.

1. Complete business platform
What does it mean to have a complete gym management business platform?
It’s an all-in-one software that gives you the tools to seamlessly manage and automate memberships, billing, class scheduling, injury tracking, customer relationship management, marketing, and other administrative & growth-related tools.
In other words,
Tools to manage & grow your business (all in one place).
But not only does this complete business platform serve you– but also your members looking to book and pay for classes, understand the workouts, communicate with their trainers & be part of the gym community through a comprehensive app.
If your gym management software is not providing you with everything you need (all in one place) to manage and grow your business …
It may be time to switch.
2. Personalisation
Did you know…
80% of consumers are likelier to buy from a company that provides a tailored experience.
This stat is aimed directly at you, your fitness facility, your members & your potential leads.
Truth is– it’s about high time you double-check if your gym management software empowers you to give your members a personalised experience.
Because not only will this bring you more leads– but it’ll also retain more of your members, as you’re giving them the high-level service they’re paying for.
Ask yourself this…
✅ Can you send personalised messages to your members via email & push notifications using your gym software?
✅ Do you have an easy-to-read in-app digital whiteboard for special announcements?
✅ What about knowing the status of a member injuries?
✅ Can you customise the member app with your brand colors and logo?
✅ Or check in with a member who hasn’t attended class for a while?
✅ What about personalised messages to remind your members to pay for another package?
These small but SIGNIFICANT gym software features make your brand & business stand out from the crowd so that members choose your fitness facility over another.
In other words,
Check to see if your gym management software caters to personalisation. This is the #1 touch point in 2023– because people ARE CRAVING human connection more than ever.
And remember, your clients are handing their hard-earned cash to you. If you make them feel special, it will automatically justify their spending.

3. Injury tracking
We’ve said it before– and we’ll say it again.
In-app injury tracking is a fierce member retention tool.
Gym management software that empowers your members to log their injuries allows you & your team to provide support during their recovery.
You can then…
✅ Customise workouts so injured members don’t have to sit at home & wait to get better.
✅ Give members the personalised attention they need while they recover.
✅ Track injury progress & communicate with them through their journey.
✅ Reduce the risk of a member having a re-injury as you are ‘in the know.’
All while,
Making the member feel special because we all need a little TLC when an injury flares up.
Does your gym management software have injury tracking that you, your staff & members can operate?

4. Task Management
Does your current gym software have an efficient task management feature?
In other words,
Can you…
✅ Track & delegate tasks in a streamlined manner.
✅ Keep your team accountable as they know exactly what needs to be done.
✅ Manage multiple tasks all at once with easy organisational tools.
✅ Streamline your communication & collaboration amongst you & your staff.
✅ Monitor performance by tracking the completion of tasks.
And as you know,
There are plenty of task management software platforms are out there, like
But imagine your gym management software had an easy-to-use task management feature already built into the platform.
Now that’s…
All in one. Everything in one place. Under one roof.
Does your gym management software have an easy-to-use task management feature?
If not…

5. Easy-to-read digital whiteboard
It’s about giving your members an exceptional digital experience, right?
The thing is,
How your members perceive the app they use to book a class, check out the workout, or pay for packages– is a deal maker or deal breaker.
For instance,
Have a look at your digital whiteboard feature. Is it easy to read? Does it make sense, and is it straightforward to find within the app?
On the flip side– is it painless for you to use & manage?

6. Your voice heard
Suppose the humans behind your gym management software ignore your suggestions. In that case, it’s time to review whether or not you’re with the right software service provider.
If your requests are unrealistic– that’s one thing. But if it’s blatantly apparent your current software provider is not keeping with the times– and you don’t have a voice to share your thoughts– look for a gym management software provider who listens to you.
Truth is- excellent customer support is about paying attention to clients and remaining approachable to receive feedback.
And these days, finding “humanised” software that considers the client’s voice– is hard.
In other words,
Find a gym management platform that listens to you and clearly communicates oncoming upgrades suited to you and your members’ needs.

7. Stability of the server
If your gym management software keeps crashing– it’s time to switch.
Think of all your members using the app to book into a class, pay for memberships and drop-ins, etc.
If the software keeps doing a dive crash regularly, it will affect your member retention & acquisition efforts.
Also, when upgrades are in the pipeline– the turnaround should be fast, and at a time, members may not be using the app. There should also be explicit communication when these upgrades are happening so that you can prepare and let your members know.

If you’re second-guessing whether your current gym software provides you with the above non-negotiables, it’s time to switch to Octiv.
It’s a 100% risk-free, pain-free, and admin-free switch.
With some training from our side, you’ll be up & running in no time.
Start growing today.