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Welcome to Octiv!

Let’s get you set up to be operating your facility, connecting with members and growing your business. 

The Octiv onboarding process is easy, especially when following the steps below. Please work through these sections in order, as one leads into the next, making the process as seamless as possible. 

Basic Set Up

Let’s start with the fundamentals – once these are set up you’ll be up and running!

1. Workout Programmes

Let’s start by setting up your workout programmes. This is where your daily workouts will be loaded and displayed. This is most applicable for functional fitness and CrossFit facilities who offer various workout programmes or training methodologies e.g. CrossFit, CrossFit Lite, Gymnastics, HYROX.

Programmes must be set up before you can move on to loading packages and members. If you don’t offer various programmes, you can simply create a generic programme called [your facility name].

Go to: Settings > Workouts > Create Programmes

Pro tip: You can select which package provides access to which programmes, creating a clear distinction between your service offerings and package set up.

Basic Set Up


2. Packages

Now let’s look at your membership packages. This is where you specify your membership offerings and give members options for frequency of attendance and determine the method of payment. 

Here you can set up new packages, determine the type (recurring or once off), specify class booking frequency and contract period. You can choose to display your packages according to priority or display/hide packages for online sign up. 

To add your packages, go to: Settings > Packages  

Pro tip: Less is more! By keeping your package offering simple and limited to fewer packages you help members to make decisions quickly and with more confidence.

Basic Set Up


3. Add Staff

Next, let’s add your staff to your Octiv profile. Here you’ll add all of your personnel based on their roles and specify the access level they’ll be allowed on the system. You’ll add staff rates here as well as a personal bio for each staff member. It’s simple to add or remove staff members, or adjust their access levels over time. 

To add your staff, go to: Staff > Create New

Pro tip: Staff members will be requested to create their unique login details and will be able to use Octiv anywhere. 

Basic Set Up


4. Class Schedule

Set up your schedule, also known as your calendar, classes and sessions. Here you’ll  schedule your group classes, individual personal training sessions and events. You can specify the frequency (recurring or once-off), capacity, the trainer, add a description, booking and cancellation thresholds and applicable membership packages that have access to the class/event. 

Go to: Scheduling > Calendar

Pro tip: You’ll be able to duplicate existing classes/sessions to populate your future schedules. No need for any additional admin!

Basic Set Up


5. Add Members

Now it’s time to add your members.  If you are moving member data from a different platform, a bulk data migration is possible. Alternatively, you can add members manually. Members can also add themselves to the system using the sign-up widget when embedded on your website (more about widgets later!). 

To add members manually: Members > Create 

Here you can specify the member’s personal details, package and programme, contract and waiver, discount and payment details.

To add members via a data migration

If you have an existing client database and would like to migrate it over to Octiv please fill out the member template and email it to [email protected]

Download Members Template

Watch the video below on how to fill in the members template:

Download Leads Template

Watch the video below on how to fill in the leads template:

Pro tip
: It always helps to add yourself as a member first, to gain first hand experience of what your members will experience and to get a better understanding of your Octiv platform. 

To find out more about the your member’s sign up journey view this additional information. 

Basic Set Up


Get Paid

Your basic setup is done, now it’s time to make sure you can get paid. Let’s look at payment options. 

1. Debit Orders

If you want to run debit orders or payments through Octiv, you’ll need to set up an account with one of our partners below. Once your account has been set up or if you already have an existing account please email your debit order keys to [email protected]

South Africa:

Netcash (Sage Pay) 

Contact Dieter to get all your required info:

Dieter Christoffels: Key Accounts Manager
[email protected]
Office: 086-133-8338 | Direct: 0797499867

Or fill in the below form for NetCash to contact you

Three Peaks 

Contact Ryan to get all your required info:
+27 82 569 9335

Once your account has been set up or if you already have an existing account please email your debit order keys to [email protected] 

Pro tip: To make your migration process much easier, we can upload your members banking details to your Octiv profile. Please make sure to email the filled out banking template to [email protected]. Please watch the below tutorial on how to fill out the Banking template correctly in order to prevent delays. 

Download Members Banking Template – South Africa 



Get Paid


2. Ad Hoc Payments

Octiv offers a secure online payment gateway integrated with your platform for your clients to make once-off credit and debit card payments.

Paystack is a technology company powering growth for African businesses with secure payment tools. This online payment gateway, integrated with Octiv, makes it easy for you to accept secure ad-hoc payments from multiple local and global payment channels.

Integrate with Paystack here

Pro tip: Once an invoice is generated, you can send a payment link to a member at the click of a button.

Know more

To get a better understanding of your invoices and payments, please visit our FAQs

Get Paid


Make it Your Own

Time to personalise your settings so that Octiv feels like your own, and so that it works for your specific requirements. Where can we customise?

1. Facility email signature

Your facility signature is your own personal greeting added to any communications generated from your Octiv profile.

Go to: Settings > Comms 

Pro tip: you are able to switch the auto comms on your Octiv profile on and off, all based on your preference.

Make it Your Own


2. Add account / invoice details:

Add your facility address and billing details to your outgoing invoices to make it easy for your members to transfer outstanding funds when needed. 

To add your account/invoice details, please watch the following instructional video. 

Go to: Settings > Accounts > Under location invoice details click on view/edit

Make it Your Own


3. Facility and sign up settings

How to set up your facility settings:

Scheduling and Workout settings: These facility settings include adjusting how long in advance a member can book and whether they can book to a single location or multiple, as well as how long in advance a member is able to view a workout.

To adjust these settings please go to: Settings > Scheduling; Settings > Workouts, respectively

Please watch the following instructional video

Sign up settings: Your sign up settings will determine how a potential member will sign up to join your facility. Choose your preferred payment method, and also allow members to choose from debit order payment dates.

To view and adjust your sign up settings, please go to: Settings > Sign up

Please watch the following instructional video

Pro tip: Minimising the number of debit dates makes managing your payments much easier.

Make it Your Own


4. Contracts and waivers

If you make use of a fixed term contract and liability waiver for your members to sign when joining, you are able to add this to your Octiv profile. Simply copy and paste the digital text in the space provided from  Settings > Contracts & Waivers. 

A new member joining your facility has the ability to accept both the contract and waiver when signing up online. 

Pro tip: You will be able to custom select the amount of days the Contract expiry notification is sent to both yourself and the member, as well as edit the communication that is sent.

Please watch the instructional video

Make it Your Own


5. Brand colours and logo

Here is where you will add your custom colours as well as your facility logo to your Octiv profile. Choose your app theme in light or dark mode and align it to your own brand colours. You can upload your facility logo and hide any features that you do not wish to make use of on the platform.

Go to: Settings > Octiv 

Below are a few apps to help you get the right colour scheme:

HTML Colour Codes

Colour Picker 

Pro tip: You can add custom colours to both the light and dark theme. The colours and logo will display through any of the widgets, you simply add the colours once.

Make it Your Own


6. Integrate your widgets

By now your profile is set up, and you can add even more value to your business by integrating your widgets onto your website. 

Your Octiv widgets are tools that connect you to your potential customers. Octiv provides you with widgets that you can plug into your website or social media profiles,  giving new and existing customers an opportunity to interact with your facility and with the Octiv app. 

Your widgets will allow you to sign up new members, display your class schedule, allow non members to book a trial or drop in class, let members see the workout of the day, display contact forms for leads to get in touch.

Pro tip: Use the lead capture widget to allow potential members to fill in their details. These details are saved in Octiv and you can get in touch with potential members with one click of a button. 

Go to: Settings > Widgets

View the FAQ on widgets to learn more and watch the below video.

Make it Your Own


Ready to Start

You’re set up and ready to go! What’s next? 

1. Your Octiv support team

By now your dedicated Octiv Onboarding Manager has introduced themselves to you and will continue to assist in getting your facility up and running with Octiv. They will provide access to constant support and advice on best practices.

Book a session with your Octiv Onboarding Manager to run through your setup and make sure you are set up for success. 

When you are successfully onboarded you’ll then be introduced to your Customer Success Manager, your Octiv contact person responsible for supporting you on an ongoing basis.

Book a meeting with your Onboarding Manager

Ready to Start


2. Communicate with your members

Welcome email

On the date that you’d like to launch your profile, we can set up and distribute a customised welcome email to all of your members, shortlisting a few valuable benefits of the Octiv platform as well as how to download the app and to start booking, making the transition as seamless as possible.

Communications toolkit

We have a toolkit for you to access to help you communicate with your members, via email and on your social media platforms. These include designs, design elements, caption copy and more. 

Communications Toolkit

3. The Octiv knowledge base

There is an Octiv knowledge base including FAQ’s, videos and webinar recordings should you wish to educate yourself or your admin team further on any elements of the Octiv platform

Help Centre

4. The Octiv legends referral system

When you are up and running and loving Octiv (we’re sure you will!), we want to thank you for telling your friends in fitness about us.

If you refer another gym to Octiv you will receive 10% off your monthly fee, forever. This is for each gym! Refer 10 gyms and you will be able to use Octiv for free, FOREVER!

Ask your Client Success Manager for more details.

5. The Vitality expanded fitness network

Octiv has partnered with Discovery Vitality to add even more value to your business. By joining the Vitality expanded fitness network, your members can earn Vitality points  when they check in to class using a QR code linked to your Octiv profile. 


To find out more on how to join the expanded fitness network and to get your facility vetted, please follow the link below: